RTS2.0 is a phrase coined by Civic Engagement Beyond Voting to describe a process that you can use before a bill is assigned to an agenda to be heard in committee. (See how RTS 2.0 works in this video.)
RTS 2.0 allows you only to give a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down,” but will be a tally of the support or opposition to a bill that can spur a committee chair to bring a bill forward for a hearing. It can also be used by the bill’s sponsor or other members of the committee who want to have the bill heard.
Using RTS 2.0 is easy and fast. We timed ourselves and it took us 4 minutes!
Easy! First find your Legislative District by typing your address into the yellow box here and clicking Find. Then look up your state Representative here or Senator here by district. You can use this same process to find your U.S. Congressional representatives; they will be listed under your Congressional District.
Request to Speak is a service that lets you vote yes or no on any bill in the Arizona House or Senate — right from your kitchen counter! We're told that legislators often look at the tally in RTS to decide which way the public opinion is moving on a bill.
Our friends at Civic Engagement Beyond Voting have a handy guide and video on how to get started with Request to Speak. Check it out here.
Excellent! This is a powerful way to influence decisions at our Capitol.
Our legislature is currently controlled by those who want fewer limits on who can carry guns and where. So expect that any comments you make in favor of gun safety may be challenged. Just remember, Arizonans have every right to comment on any bill moving through our state house.
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting offers training and support for in-person testimony. Select Resources from their menu at the top left corner. Scroll down and find a link to Testifying in Person to learn more about it.
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